Choose your Coastal Cleanup Day Beach

Each location on the Sonoma Coast listed below has been visited over the years by Coastwalk staff and volunteers and are suitable sites for Coastal Clean Up Day activities.

Where the sites are marked as *family-friendly, they are suitable for groups of children and adults.

Please note that very few beach sites are completely ADA compliant.

Please check with State Parks  and Regional Parks regarding Pet-friendly beaches.


As we enjoy the Coast, please respect our beaches and the rocky and wild nature of the Sonoma Coast. Only remove garbage; leave all sea creatures untouched! Even on mild weather days, the waves are strong and currents dangerous! Never turn your back on the ocean and, please stay away from the water’s edge when conducting cleanup activities. For a full list of Ocean Safety Guidelines please read the Coastal Commission Water Safety Guidelines.


Beaches are listed from NORTH to SOUTH.

Beach Locations