Cancellation Policy

Cancellation fees are summarized below. If you have any questions about how the fees might apply to your registration & refund of a payment made in full- please contact the office at:

707-829-6689 or [email protected]  prior to registering.




Registrations/Full Payment made 30 days or more prior to walk date Registrations/Full Payment made within 30 days of walk date

Cancellation Date


Cancellation Fee


Cancellation Fee


Cancellation 60 or more days prior 25% fee per person* n/a
Cancellation 30 – 59 days prior 50% cancellation fee per person* n/a
Cancellation 0-29 days prior 100% fee per person* (no refund) 100% fee per person* (no refund)
Grace Period    
Only applies if registered/paid and cancellation received by Coastwalk office more than 60 days prior to Trip start date and within 10 days of registering and paying.

$35 per person* cancellation fee

Grace period does not apply to registrations/payments made within 60 days of the date of the walk.

Grace period does not apply to registrations/payments made within 30 days of the date of the walk.
*per person means a fee for each walker on the walk, not one fee for registering multiple walkers.

Be Sure You Read This!

If you have registered and paid in full more than 30 days in advance of a walk, then if you cancel more than 60 days ahead of the walk, you will receive a 75% refund. If you have registered and paid in full more than 30 days in advance of a walk, cancellations fewer than 60 days but 30 or more days ahead of the walk will receive a 50% refund. If you have registered and paid in full more than 30 days in advance of a walk, cancellations made fewer than 30 days ahead of a walk will not receive a refund. Cancellation Fees are per person not per registration. For example, if someone registers three people, there will be a cancellation fee for each person (3 times the cancellation fee).

The Grace Period only applies to registrations made 60 days prior to a trip start date and cancelled within 10 days of registration & payment received in full.

No refund will be given for a registration that is made and canceled within 30 days of the start of the trip. No refund will be given for any cancellation made within 30 days of the start of the trip. No refund will be given for leaving a trip early or a no show.

HOW to CANCEL a Registration

If, for some reason, you find you need to cancel a walks registration, please notify the Coastwalk office directly. Cancellations must be in writing, either via regular mail or email to [email protected]. You may call the office at 707-829-6689 to notify us, but you must also provide cancellation notice in writing. Coastwalk will confirm receipt of your cancellation once we receive it in writing.  Calling the office is helpful as it puts us on the lookout for a cancellation notice and we can follow up with you if it does not arrive in a timely fashion.

The amount of your refund is determined by the date Coastwalk receives your notification of cancellation in writing. To ensure that you receive the refund and qualify for a refund-you MUST notify us in writing.

Trip leaders are not able to take cancellations or make reimbursements. Cancellations and any reimbursement must be done through the office, however, a courtesy notification of the trip coordinator is highly recommended.

Trip Cancellation by Coastwalk

In the event that Coastwalk needs to cancel a trip for any reason, registrants will be notified as soon as possible. Coastwalk will either (1) reimburse all fees paid by registrants to Coastwalk, or (2) transfer the full amount paid to Coastwalk to another walk within the same calendar year. Coastwalk cannot be responsible for any travel or any other expenses incurred by a registrant in planning to attend a walk.

Other Details

Coastwalk understands that unexpected events may prevent you from participating in a Walk and regrets that it cannot make exceptions to the reservation and cancellation policy for any reason, including personal emergencies. Cancellation fees are necessary because Coastwalk must plan and commit resources to the walks based on walks registrations well ahead of the walks dates. For example, campsites, hostels, or permits are reserved and paid for in advance by Coastwalk and we are subject to cancellation fees.

Travel Insurance:

Coastwalk strongly encourages you to purchase travel insurance from an outside provider to cover cancellation fees associated with a trip as well as airfare or other nonrefundable expense in the event you need to cancel; medical expenses incurred on a trip; and the cost of a possible medical evacuation from a trip.  There are several travel insurance agencies which provide travel insurance plans such as Insuremytrip, USI Travel Insurance Services or Trip Assure. Explore your options but be sure to secure your policy with a payment to the provider so that you are covered for any loss due to cancellation policies. Most benefits provided to cover cancellation fees by travel insurance companies only apply if purchased within a certain number of days from making your payment for the trip. Feel free to contact Insuremytrip,USI Travel Insurance Services, Trip Assure, or other provider if you have questions on the policy or its coverage as Coastwalk does not have a contractual relationship with any travel insurance provider and is not equipped to provide specific answers to questions on travel insurance programs.

Have a Question?

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