• Chuckwagon Fund 100% 100%

Update (4/29/2014):

Thank you to each and everyone of our donors who helped us to meet (and exceed!!) our fundraising goal of $5,000 for Chuckwagon repairs! Stay tuned for further updates and if you haven’t donated there is still a chance (and so many more things we can do!)

Update (3/4/2014):

We are almost there! Thank you to everyone who has already donated, and don’t forget to keep spreading the word! Don’t forget that every little bit counts!

It’s Time to Rebuild the Chuckwagons

Our volunteers have lovingly cared for the Coastwalk Chuckwagons for many years now. But the miles of trail, the mornings of coffee, countless hot dinners prepared by volunteers and the fresh salt air have made it time for a big overhaul…This is where you come in! Jim Wilson has kindly offered his services to rebuild the Chuckwagons if we can raise $5,000 for supplies and materials! Your donation of any amount will go directly to paying for supplies and labor to rebuild and maintain our Chuckwagons.

How to Help

Take a look at the flyer above. You will see listed suggested donation levels, as well as an indication of what your donation might provide. Click the donation link and fill out your credit card information, or simply mail Coastwalk a check, with Chuckwagon Fund in the memo line.

After you’ve made your donation, be sure to share our campaign with your friends and family! You can spread the word via Facebook, email, or by word of mouth!

Thanks to Our Volunteers

Jim Wilson, Mel and Diana Savage, Bev and Bill Ratterman, Tim Reed, Steve Jones, and David LaFollette are just a few names of volunteers who have cared for, stored, and wrangled our Chuckwagons over the years! And we know so many more of you have too! A great big thank you to all our volunteers who have helped get our Chuckwagons to where they are today! If you have a fond memory of wrangling the wagons, or just drinking coffee with your fellow walkers, drop us a line! We love to hear from you!


Get In Touch!

3 + 8 =

Make Your Donation Today!

Or send us a check if you prefer.

Save the Chuckwagons!