Our Coastwalk Program

Coastwalk California & the CCTA
Coastwalk California is the CCTA’s public engagement program. It continues the organization’s long history of holding multi-day educational hiking and camping adventures along the California Coastal Trail throughout coastal California. It also includes our individual and family membership program, beach cleanups, day hikes, volunteer opportunities and more.
Coastwalk California expanded into the California Coastal Trail Association in 2015 to build a bigger vision and a broader constituency as we lead the way on the California Coastal Trail. We continue to rely on our amazing volunteers to provide transformative experiences for the public on our annual Coastwalks and provide information and tools to make using the Trail a richer experience. Better maps, videos, podcasts, a Coastal Trail smart phone app and more are ways we plan to serve our Coastwalk family and the public in the future.
AND – now the alliance of California Coastal Trail stakeholders that we have built through our California Coastal Trail Association (CCTA) will be part of our team as we work to complete, steward and promote the CCT. The CCT traverses and is owned by over one hundred jurisdictions. Cities, counties, State Parks, land trusts, port authorities and others MUST work together to plan for, complete and promote the Trail that is to become recognized as the world class long distance trail that it is destined to be. The CCTA provides a forum for this collaboration and the glue to bring Trial users together with those responsible for planning and completing the Trail.
As California changes we must bring new constituencies to the coast and share the wonder of our coast and ocean. We must help educate a new generation of coastal leaders who will steward our coast for future generations.
We look forward to our Coastwalk program engaging the public with our coast now and into the future. We also expect great future successes as the CCTA partners with the Coastal Conservancy, the Coastal Commission, State Parks, Caltrans and local government in fulfilling our founder’s dreams of a completed California Coastal Trail.

Bill and Lucy Kortum, Coastwalk co-founders, chat with Coastal Clean-up Day participants about the history of saving the Sonoma Coast. A Spanish translator relayed to these new California residents the story of stopping the nuclear power plant that was planned for Bodega Bay right on top of the San Andreas fault. Coastwalk’s educational programs are geared toward providing the public with the inspiration to become dedicated and well informed coastal stewards.