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California Coastal Cleanup Day

Hosted by Coastwalk California/ CCTA in Sonoma County. An official CCD organization under the Coastal Commission.

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Sign Up To Be A Site Captain

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Our 2024 Cleanup Sites

In Sonoma County, California.

North Goat Rock Beach

38.44615351, -123.1261322

South Salmon Creek Beach

38.35575122, -123.0662883

South Goat Rock Beach

38.44615351, -123.1261322

Bodega Dunes

38.34307569, -123.0665113

North Salmon Creek Beach


38.35575122, -123.0662883

Doran Regional Park

38.343, -123.067

Looking for a different location?

Check out the Coastal Commission’s map for ALL of California’s Coastal Cleanup Day sites.


Thank You to Our Sponsors

We are deeply grateful for your generous contribution to Coastwalk/California Coastal Trail Association (CCTA) for this year’s Coastal Cleanup Day. Your donation is vital in ensuring the success of one of California’s largest volunteer events, dedicated to removing harmful marine debris and trash from our beautiful coast and inland waterways. With the help of donors like you, we’ve collected over 138,000 pounds of trash and 61,000 pounds of recyclables over the past 20 years. Your support enables us to continue our stewardship and conservation efforts, protecting our precious coastal resources. Thank you again for your generous support. Together, we will keep the California Coast beautiful and clean!

Russian River Watershed Association

World Centric: For A Better World

Bodega Bay Area Chamber of Commerce

Your Business Here!

What is

California Coastal Cleanup Day?

It’s California’s largest annual volunteer event, organized by the California Coastal Commission in partnership with many NGOs and local government partners around the state. It’s an opportunity for people across the state to clean our creeks, rivers, lakes, coast, and shorelines of all kinds, to help restore our environment. This year, Coastal Cleanup Day is on Saturday, September 21. You get to be a citizen scientist. After cleaning up trash from the site, your captain will take your card’s data for the Coastal Commission’s data base.

If you would like to take on a cleanup alone, be sure to use the Clean Swell app!

Did you know?

67 tons of trash and debris were collected on Coastal Cleanup Day, just in 2023.


Trash data collected helps inform state policy. For example, in 2019, Senate Bill 8 was signed into law, effectively banning smoking in all state parks and beaches. This is largely due to the data of cigarette butt collection from the annual Coastal Cleanup Day.

What is the CleanSwell app?

Clean Swell® makes it easy for anyone to make an impact for our ocean. When you head out to clean up in your neighborhood, beach, or park use Clean Swell to be a part of long-lasting solutions. With this app you can easily record each item of trash you collect, which helps scientists and advocates around the world tackle ocean trash at a global scale.

Connect With Us

Don't forget to send in your photos and stories!
Share Now

This event is so important to not only our organization, but for the state itself. We would all love to hear how your cleanup went! Send in your craziest trash find photo, proud videos, personal stories and more. We’ll post the most unique item found.

Thank you for being a part of this day.

Coastal Cleanup Day x Coastwalk

September 2022

Coastal Cleanup Day x Coastwalk

September 2019

Coastal Cleanup Day x Coastwalk

September 2006

Coastal Cleanup Day x Coastwalk

September 2019