
I’m posting a statement from one of our Coastwalk California Board members, Mark Massara, on the retirement this morning of Peter Douglas, California Coastal Commission Executive Director. In addition, there are articles beginning to be posted on our (Coastal News) webpage commenting on his retirement.

Gregory Fearon
Board President

“Peter Douglas is a mentor to me and an inspiration to thousands of other activists, surfers and coast and oceans lovers everywhere,” said Mark Massara, an environmental attorney specializing in coastal protection. “His accomplishments are the stuff of legend. He is the Babe Ruth of coastal planning, having overseen more than 100,000 projects here along our California coast while simultaneously educating people around the world to appreciate the overwhelming economic benefits to be achieved through coastal protection. Peter’s leadership, guidance, writings and action are a benchmark that will serve California’s coastal program and our efforts to protect coastlines around the world forever.”

Mark Massara