Coastwalk’s CCTA Moves Coastal Trail Forward

All 15 coastal county governments have joined Coastwalk’s new California Coastal Trail Association (CCTA) program.  The CCTA will provide a forum for city and county governments to collaborate with State and federal agencies in the quest to complete, maintain and promote the California Coastal Trail (CCT).  “Since the CCT is owned by over 100 individual jurisdictions it is essential that there is an organization to facilitate collaboration and communications between these stakeholders,” said Una Glass, Executive Director of Coastwalk/the CCTA.  “The CCTA will provide a forum where all stakeholders are working together to guide the CCT’s future.  This includes government, NGOs and, most important, the public”.  Coastwalk is now working to recruit more coastal cities into the organization.

Coastwalk/CCTA Executive Director, Una Glass, recently met with State transportation leaders in Sacramento.  Brian Annis, Undersecretary of the California State Transportation Agency, Kome Ajise, Chief Deputy Director of Catrans and other State transportation leaders met with Glass in Sacramento to discuss Caltrans strategic goal of significantly increasing bicycle use and pedestrian opportunities.  The group plans to hold ongoing meetings to ensure that the CCT becomes a regular part of Caltrans’ planning process.  “Having Caltrans on board with the trails, and in particular with the CCT, is huge”, said Una Glass.  “Caltrans commitment to pedestrian infrastructure and bicycles will make a tremendous difference in outcomes.  I look forward to working with State Transportation officials as we look for ways to partner and collaborate on the CCT”.