Trail Work Day
South Salmon Creek Beach Cleanup
South Salmon Creek Beach Cleanup
UPDATE: Volunteers joined Dailey Little of Healing Heart Reiki in Santa Rosa at South Salmon, Rangers were on hand to open the parking lot and help haul away the trash. A big thank you to our volunteers and State Park Rangers! We hope to see you all out there again soon!
Obama to designate monument in Point Arena-Stornetta Public Lands in California
Council votes to close La Jolla beach during pupping season
Pismo councilman tapped for Coastal Commission vacancy

Fencing blocking Ontario Ridge Trail removed
Santa Maria Times
- Updated
Barbed-wire fencing and no trespassing signs that a property owner installed blocking access to a portions of a popular hiking trail between Shell Beach and Avila Beach have been removed.
Property owner Rob McCarthy had the fencing and signs taken down this week, after receiving a letter from the Coastal Commission telling him he must do so or face stiff penalties.
In a letter dated Feb. 20, Coastal Commission code enforcement staff told McCarthy, who lives in Texas but plans to retire in Avila Beach, that he had until March 10 to remove the fencing, signs and gate that were blocking access to the trail.
To protect beach access, town should buy more shoreland
An interesting perspective on east coast public access.