We had a great turnout at our Volunteer Appreciation campout at Bodega Dunes Campground in Sonoma County. There were lots of good ideas and excited energy looking forward to next year’s Walks season already.

We ended our last night by going around in a circle and answering the prompt: “What keeps you coming back as a Coastwalk volunteer?” Below, are some highlights.

“I’m always really surprised when I put one foot forward, and behind me are 30 feet, following.”
Ben, Hike leader, Golden Gate Headlands Adventure

“I really like being able to see the coast. And I like the fact that I can go on a trip, when I don’t have a partner or a friend to go with, I can go by myself. And I’ve made a lot of friends. I feel almost like I need to give back for all the good trips I’ve been on. I feel like I’ve really benefited from them, so I’m really happy with volunteering and helping out.”
Karen, Hike leader, Lost Coast Backpack

“Coastwalk is a more intimate way [to view the coast] than just a quick visit to the beach. I love getting people out and experience the coast and actually becoming a part of it. I love that feeling at the end of a trip when everyone is really excited about having made the whole thing, and they have such enthusiasm.”
Stan, Walk coordinator, Lost Coast Backpack

“After my first walk in San Mateo, my reaction was: I have never really seen the coast before. I thought I was seeing it, driving along the highway, but [the walk] opened up this endless beauty, and now I really understand it and how much our coast is a treasure.”
Marcia, Walk Coordinator, Bay Area Adventure

“Coastwalk organizers all come from a diversity of experiences, but they all think that what we do makes a difference. We live in a world where people are really discouraged about whether or not they can make a difference and they’re not sure how to do it. The thing about Coastwalk and helping with the planning, is you get to take on a little piece. Its a growth opportunity. Everyone here is a remarkable person because we all think we can make a difference, and we do.”
Shiz, Volunteer, Bay Area Adventure

“I was attracted to walking the areas I knew and actually seeing the coast. I actually saw where I grew up for the first time, instead of a piece here and a piece there.
I got involved in Coastwalk because of Ms. Hanes over there. [We would] bring meals out and stuff, and the idea came up of doing a family walk. I like facilitating things, so to facilitate a group trip for kids and their parents and grandparents fits in to my scheme of how I make a difference in the world. I have a great team.”
Ann, Walk Coordinator, Sonoma Family Adventure

“I remember after some of my first walks, I thought ‘if i couldn’t see these people again, the coordinators I worked with, I don’t think I could stand it!’ And so they’ve become my friends. The Coastwalk community has become my community. I look forward to sharing adventures with people. That’s what keeps me coming back.”
Linda, Walk Coordinator, Jughandle

Check out more of what’s going on at Coastwalk:

In the Office with Coastwalk

Recipe Corner- Mountain Pies