In Shelter Cove, Cultures Collide on Either End of a Disputed Coastal Trail
Linda Mullally, Away We Go: Monterey Peninsula offers panoramic link in California Coastal Trail
Building bridges: Teen works on his Eagle Scout project along Lost Coast Trail
A passion for trails: RCAA deputy director honored by nonprofit, state organizations
Line in the Sand – Sonoma County leaders push for unfettered access to coastal beaches in face of wildly unpopular state plan
Sonoma County Coastal Access AT RISK
California Coastal Trail restoration gains support: Half Moon Bay, counties, state nominate regional segment as Priority Conservation Area

Should You Pay For a Day At Sonoma Beaches
Should You Pay For a Day at Sonoma’s Beaches???
Attend the Hearing … Make Your Voice Heard!
State Parks wants to charge $8.00 for a day at the beach on our Sonoma Coast!
They propose to install parking pay stations at beaches along 37 miles of our Coastline. Sonoma County’s Board of Supervisors UNANIMOUSLY said NO to their proposal. Now State Parks is appealing to the California Coastal Commission, in a move to undercut our local government’s control, and could force our County to accept these pay stations.
What would Bill Kortum say! Bill, who founded Coastwalk, and who lead the fight back in the 1970’s to keep our beaches free and open to all, would just say NO! The Coastal movement to keep our beaches free and open to the public started here in Sonoma County. This movement resulted in the passage of the Coastal Initiative in 1972 that guarantees access to OUR coastline. Bill would say, our beaches are public property and we already pay taxes to support that property!
The hearing before the Coastal Commission this coming Wednesday April 15th, is a “procedural” hearing. The Commissioners will be considering whether there is a reason for them to take control of State Parks application for these devices or whether the decision making on this issue should stay with Sonoma County’s Board of Supervisors. For more details about this hearing and the legal issues it will be addressing, see the “Details” section below.
You have a chance to let the Coastal Commission know what you think. Join members of Coastwalk, Surfrider, Sonoma County Conservation Action, the Northbay Organizing Project and others …
This Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 10 AM
California Coastal Commission Hearing
at the Marin County Board of Supervisors Chambers
3501 Civic Center Drive, Suite 329
San Rafael, CA 94903
If you would like to carpool, please send a message to [email protected] with your name, city, and phone number.
The State Parks Issue is #17 on the Agenda so we do not know what time it will be heard. You may have to wait for quite a while until the Commission gets to our item. Be prepared to stay most of the day. This is IMPORTANT and will affect our community’s access to our beaches permanently so PLEASE come and be heard!

Coastwalk volunteers recognized by the Sonoma County Environmental Center
On Sunday, March 15th, 2015, the Sonoma County Environmental Center awarded Kimberly Burr and Larry Hanson “Volunteer of the year”. They have helped with Coastwalk for the last ten years, as Chuckwagon wrangler, Day hike leader, and Hostess. including Del Norte in 2013, Mendonoma, and the Classic Mendocino Walks. Their early commitment help me to put together some Great Walks. Now they will be helping us to build 2.2 miles of new trail this August in Usal as Crew Leaders and Hostess. They really got their award for their work with Forest Unlimited, River Watch and the Greenwood Creek habitat restoration project. Larry reads every timber harvest plan submitted to Cal Fire and has gotten some cancelled and some reworked. Kimberly is an environmental Lawyer, sits on a local water board and is very active with the State water Board. She just won a judgement in Oakland court protecting a local Geologist licence. Both are Great examples of the kind of local environmental leadership we see on Coastwalks.