Volunteer Blog

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Send us a short story (usually between 250 and 500 words) about your walk, a cool story from years past, new trail you’ve hiked (or excellent old trail you’d recommend).

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Recipe Corner- Mountain Pies
Recipe Corner- Mountain Pies

Ask anyone about their favorite memories of a Coastwalk and I guarantee at least one will recount memories of great meals around the campfire!

Our cooks are some of our most important volunteers, coming back to a hot delicious meal after a long day of hiking is one of the things that sets Coastwalk apart and above. Even with rising food costs, our cooks still manage to keep their meals under budget and provide quality food for all our hikers and volunteers. As more and more great meals were shared over the years, Coastwalk has often considered collecting recipes and putting together a Coastwalk cookbook. read more…

2013 Volunteer Appreciation Campout
2013 Volunteer Appreciation Campout

We had a great turnout at our Volunteer Appreciation campout at Bodega Dunes Campground in Sonoma County. There were lots of good ideas and excited energy looking forward to next year’s Walks season already.

We ended our last night by going around in a circle and answering the prompt: “What keeps you coming back as a Coastwalk volunteer?” Below, are some highlights. read more…